Monthly Meeting
The South Bay Orchid Society member meetings are usually
held the 3rd Friday of each month starting at 6:30
pm except in March, September.
Meeting location::
Palos Verdes Art Center
5504 Crestridge Road
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Admission to our monthly meeting is free and visitors are always welcome.
Whether you are a novice or seasoned expert, please
come and meet some genuinely good people with like interests
and knowledge to share.
The main meeting starts at 6:30 PM and features a
guest speaker and either a DVD or powerpoint presentation.
A break usually
follows, then the evening concludes with a plant
raffle with plants purchased by the society from either
speaker or various local orchid nurseries or growers.
A silent auction by members is a monthly feature of
each meeting. Members bring in extra divisions or plants
to auction at very reasonable prices.
Ribbon judging is conducted by in house orchid experts
and ribbons are given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, place in various
genera. The year end points are usually tallied and
winners are awarded the prizes at the December end
of year potluck meeting/dinner.