Orchids for Amateurs

"The Inflorescence"© Monthly Online Newsletter

The "Inflorescence" Newsletter is published monthly by the South Bay Orchid Society, both electronically in full color and in printed hard copy format (black and white only). There is a description of each month's culture session along with information concerning the scheduled guest speaker. A lisitng of the previous month's judging winners is included. Our board chairs, society members, and guests, contribute informative articles related to orchids, members winning judged photos, upcoming events, shows, honors, and other items general orchid interest to all.

The printed newsletter (black and white only) is mailed to persons requesting and paying for it, cost is $20.00 per year for 12 issues. Please inquire at the membership desk at our regular monthly meetings or during the annual shows if you wish to receive the printed newsletter mailed to you. We encourage everyone to sign up for the online version of the newsletter.

All currently active paid SBOS members with a working email address will receive the monthly newsletter usually a couple of weeks before the scheduled meeting. To subscribe and receive the monthly newsletter by email in your inbox fill out the form below and click "Subscribe":


To subscribe to the monthly SBOS Inflorescence Newsletter, fill out ALL the boxes below and click on Subscribe

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For archived newsletters (Years 2004 - current) click below:

The Inflorescence Newsletter Archives

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the newsletter

Click Here to obtain a free copy of Acrobat Reader.




"The Inflorescence" - the monthly SBOS Newsletter

The most current newsletter is shown first

July 2024 Newsletter

June 2024 Newsletter

May 2024 Newsletter

April 2024 Newsletter

March 2024 Newsletter

February 2024 Newsletter

January 2024 Newsletter


















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